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Tips For Taking Good Care of Your Cat
September 1, 2024

Cats are unquestionably one of the easiest animals to care for. Fluffy will groom herself, and you will not have to walk or train her. The majority of cats spend a lot of time napping, which makes life easier for their owners. Fluffy may be extremely self-sufficient, but in order to be happy and healthy, she needs more than just fresh water and chow. This article includes advice from a local Crowley, TX veterinarian on how to be a great cat owner.

Keep your feline companion indoors.

The Great Outdoors is just not safe for cats, even though they love to explore. Fluffy is immediately exposed to a multitude of risks when she steps outside, including cars, the weather, other cats, predators, and poisons. Cats who wander outside are more likely to become lost, stolen, or murdered.

Grounding Fluffy not only keeps your pet secure but also helps protect nearby creatures. Cats aren’t just cute and quirky; they’re also fluffy little serial killers. Fluffy hunts and kills a variety of animals, including several endangered species. This is a small but important thing you can do to protect local wildlife.

Give Your Feline Buddy Quality Food

There are several factors to consider when feeding your cat. Fluffy’s nutritional requirements should be based on her age, health, and lifestyle. However, you have to choose whether to feed your cat wet food or kibble, and whether to feed her at regular intervals or free feed. Ask your veterinarian for particular advice.

The most difficult part may be deciding which brand to use. Companies have perfected advertising techniques and use very sophisticated strategies to ensure that their products seem their best. Make sure you read the labels carefully.

Pet food manufacturers must label their products in specific ways, just as they do for humans. The first ingredient on the label is the main ingredient, which has the highest percentage or ratio. Meat, fish, and poultry should be the first and most visible components on the label. Avoid companies with lengthy ingredient lists including unpronounceable jargon that seems like research projects.

Fresh water is also required. You might want to consider getting your pet a drinking fountain; cats adore rushing water.

How Do I Keep My Cat Happy?

Cats cannot spend all of their time sleeping, no matter how hard they try. Boredom is equally delightful for cats and humans.

Keep your cute pet entertained by providing a variety of toys. Spend at least a few minutes a day playing with her. Fluffy might look cute when she pounces on and chases after objects, but this is serious business for her. She is imitating the hunting habits and skills that would allow her to catch dinner in the wild.

Keep in mind that every cat has different tastes. Some prefer wand toys, others prefer catnip mice, some want to chase the red dot on the laser pointer, while yet others just want to bat ice cubes or bottle tops around. Try a few items to discover what Fluffy prefers.

Take Your Feline Friend To The Veterinarian On A Regular Basis

Cats are hardy, but they are not invincible, contrary to popular belief. In actuality, these little furballs are quite small and fragile.

We believe that all cats should be microchipped, spayed, or neutered. Preventative care is also vital for keeping your pet safe from a variety of dangerous parasites and diseases. Fluffy must have core vaccinations against rabies, feline calicivirus, feline herpesvirus-1, feline panleukopenia, and (FeLV) feline leukemia. If your cat is older than a year, your veterinarian may also recommend vaccines against FeLV, Chlamydia felis, and Bordetella bronchiseptica.

Controlling parasites is also important. Indoor cats can become infested with fleas, ticks, and mosquitos. You can choose from a variety of products, so check your veterinarian to see which one is best for you and your pet.

In between examinations, search for signs of illness. Kitties might be tricky in this situation since they like to conceal disease symptoms until they worsen. This is an instinctive reaction since showing symptoms of disease in the environment attracts predators. Unfortunately, your cat may not show signs of illness until she is seriously ill.

Here are some red flags to watch for:

  • Poor Grooming
  • Withdrawal
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Reduced Appetite
  • Litterbox Avoidance
  • Respiratory Problems
  • Discharge 
  • Grumpiness/Uncharacteristic Behavior
  • Lethargy
  • Fever
  • Disorientation
  • Unusual  Vocalizations

If you see any of these signs or anything else wrong, contact your animal clinic right away.

Pet-Proof Your Home 

Cats do not have nine lives, but it isn’t hard to figure out where these old wives’ tales began. Fluffy is prone to mischief and sometimes narrowly escapes it.

We strongly recommend petproofing, which involves removing or securing anything that is not appropriate for cats. That list includes small or pointed objects such as beads, buttons, safety pins, jewelry, and toy components, as well as plastic bags and ties, anything ropy or stringy, and dangerous plants. (Note: The ASPCA’s website has a comprehensive list of safe and harmful plants.)

Another big concern is the use of chemicals and medications. Poisonings are one of the most prevalent reasons for emergency visits!  Unfortunately, they are also one of the main causes of pet death.

Here are some harmful products for cats:

  • Cleaning Agents
  • Paint 
  • Drain Openers
  • Detergents
  • Automotive Products
  • Fertilizer Pesticides
  • Rodenticides
  • Antifreeze
  • Bug Spray, 
  • Medicine, Including Both Prescribed And Over-The-Counter Treatments.

Contact your Crowley, TX veterinarian for further information.

Make Your Home Cat-Friendly

Kitties may thrive in a range of settings, from a tiny apartment to a large mansion. Regardless of how large your home is, keeping it cat-friendly is critical.

Adding cat furniture can help. Fluffy would appreciate a cat tower, which doubles as a scratching post and a viewpoint.

You may also make your home more fun for your pet by providing a comfortable window seat with a good view. A good view–especially one that includes birds and squirrels–can keep a cat entertained for hours.

If you truly want to go all out, create a catio or cage for your pet. That will allow your cute pet to enjoy some of the excitement and stimulation of the outdoors, while keeping her safe and sound indoors.

Make Sure That Your Cat Feels Loved!

Finally, you’ll need to keep the motor running! Fluffy needs to feel like she is safe and loved. Spend time every day with your feline companion, just paying attention to her. Talking to your cat may make her feel appreciated and enhance her bond with you. Some cats will respond, while others will just listen. The important thing is that your kitty understands that you’re striving to connect with her. You might feel yourself melting as your furry buddy cuddles up to you or looks up at you with charming feline adoration.

Book An Appointment At Our Crowley, TX Pet Hospital

If you have any questions concerning cat care, please contact us at V.E.T. Care Hospital, your Crowley, TX pet hospital. We are dedicated to providing great service!